Tendinitis increased number of lymphocytes and neutrophils

      Angiofibroblastic tendinosis hypertrophy of  fibroblasts, vascular hyperplasia and        

disorganized collagen


      Tennis Elbow

1. is Angiofibroblastic Tendinosis, not tendinitis

2. is angiofibroblastic degeneration, not an inflammatory condition

3. is the result of failed tendon-healing

4. is a connective-tissue disease that involves the production of collagen that is not remodeled  

into normal tendon

5. Primary site origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis m.

  1/3 of patients origin of extensor digitorum communis m.

6. due to genetic predisposition: mesenchymal syndrome have two or more of following conditions: bilateral lateral tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, medial tennis elbow cubital tunnel syndrome, de Quervain tenosynovitis, trigger finger or rotator-cuff tendinitis


Risk Factors of tendon injuryoveruse injuries, microtears):

1. transmit loading under eccentric condition

2. wrap around a joint 

3. cross two joints

4. areas of scant vascular supply

5. are subjective to repetitive tension

6. eccentric movement

7. increase of more than 8% of length of the tendon

8. maybe due to cortisone injection


      4 Stages of Tendinosis

     Stage 1 inflammatory condition, non-pathological alteration

     Stage 2 pathological alterations, angiofibroblastic degeneration

     Stage 3 Stage2 + complete structural rupture

     Stage 4 Stage2,3 + fibrosis and soft matrix calcification


      Principles of Treatment

     Anti-inflammatory medicationsnonsteroidal drugs

1. control of pain and inflammation

2. Indomethacin studyincreased protein synthesis by fibroblasts, benefiting the remodeling phase of repair but have no beneficial effect on the mechanical and material properties of tendon

     Local injections

      1. control of pain

2. use of cortisone injection for patient who are unable to perform rehabilitative exercise because of pain

3. 3/8 studies demonstrated that injection had long-term efficacy

  5/8 studiesinjection of cortisone were associated with deleterious effects, including tendon rupture

4. Stahl and Kaufman6 cases study)-lidocain and cortison injection keep 6 weeks effect but than no beneficial effect..

     Physical Therapy

1. control of painpreservation of motion, flexibility and strengthimprove endurance

2. complete immobilization weakens a tendonexercise with brace

3. resistance-based exercisecontrolled rehabilitation programhelps to align the collagen fibers

4. if the muscle endurance is not developed and the muscle-tendon unit becomes fatiqued, the muscular portion can no longer absorb the stress and greater stress are absorbed by the tendon

5. proprioception training

6. antagonist muscle training

7. kinetic-chain exerciserotator cuff especially the external rotators  

     Operative Treatment

Handshake Test: resisted forearm supination test at elbow flexion and full extension

        Goals of OP: to resect pathological materials, to stimilate neurovascularization by producing focused local bleeding, and to create a healthy scar while doing the least possible structural damage to surrounding tissue 

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